Ocean World Generative World

Made for the Low Effort Game Jam 8: https://itch.io/jam/low-effort-jam-8


Fly Plane - WASD

Other info

Theme was water. I decided on something open world, and I thought that doing something relating to terrain generation and perlin noise would be fun. 

I created a bunch of different coloured water, then added some islands. Then I decided that islands were more fun.

Tested and works on Chrome for Windows. Not tested anywhere else. Not mobile compatible
Performance is not great - this is known. I also don't care.

Built using my own game engine for HTML5/Canvas

It's not polished

I am aware. This is infact the point of the jam. It is a low effort game, and while adding jsdoc to the engine was rather high-effort, once completed I left my single braincell in my pocket to finish the game

This game is on GitHub

While you aren't allowed to use the game engine, if you'd like to take a peek under the hood and see what makes it tick, here's the link: https://github.com/hi-ashleyj/ocean-world-legj8

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